WHY church? So many ask this question, and current culture is always ready to give discouraging answers. Indeed, it is popular to speak against the Church, even by those who consider themselves Christians. But is this attitude from the heart of God?

As a young person who grew up in Church, I remember when the following catchphrase became popular: "It is not about religion but relationship." The words are true, but I am afraid the meaning has been lost. If we have a relationship with Jesus, we should know Him. We would know what is important to Him, and what is close to His heart. In John 3:16, Jesus tells Nicodemus that God so loved the world that He gave His Only begotten Son; however, in Ephesians 5:25, the Apostle Paul tells us that Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it. If the Church is that important to Him, it should be important to us. 

I do not believe that God instructs without purpose. A small child in his immaturity may assume that his parent is telling him something solely for the purpose of obstructing his own will. A parent knows better. There is always purpose for the benefit of the child in the instruction. God is an awesome Father. He would not leave us with so much instruction concerning His Church if it were of no benefit and without purpose.

Psalm 103:7 tells us,  "He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the sons of Israel." Everybody can see God's works, but it takes somebody in relationship with Him to know His ways. I am convinced it is time God's people know His ways. We need to know why His Church is so important. We need to understand Ephesians 4:14, and that the spiritual growth of the individual - even discernment that comes with maturity - is spoken of in connection with the Church. A person will not grow up in Him Who is the Head without the Church. We need to understand that the vision of God is bigger than the destiny of any one person. Ministry is not in the context of superstar fame or even just individual agendas. Ministry is in the context of service to and in the Church. The Kingdom of God needs a Church Who knows Who He is and why He called her. The day we live in calls for a united Church, not a scattered remnant. 

Is the Church perfect? Not yet.... she has imperfect people who are working out their own salvation. Can we get hurt in Church? Sure. People with flaws can hurt other people. We ourselves may hurt other people. Sometimes we may think we should just be done with Church. But what did Jesus do? He gave Himself for her. Not because of her perfection, but because of His Love. The love of the Father and the love of the Son are perfectly realized in His Church. God's love gave the world His Son, and the Son's love is shown to the world through His Church. There is not another vehicle; He does not have a Plan B. His glorious Church is Plan A, and we need to count ourselves as blessed and privileged that He chose us to be a part of His plan, the Church.